Saturday, March 24, 2012


Care & Worm System Maintenance

Placing your system where temperatures are regulated is very important. Most of the systems sold are not insulated against heat or cold, so depending on where you live, you need to find the ideal place for them to live. Please note that outside under a tree will only be a couple of degrees cooler. So if your house (is like mine and you live in the Natal Midlands, Pietermaritzburg/Durban areas) is North facing and you have a carport/garage opening on the South side of you house, it would be ideal to put them on the South side as it is cooler The ideal temperatures for Earthworms is between 5 and 25 degrees, anything above or below will make them go dormant. Please note that in winter it is the opposite, find a warm spot for them to live maybe on the north side of your home.

Feeding your system is very important as well. It is very hard to advise people how much to feed when l don’t know the size of their system or how many worms they have. The best advice l could give to anybody visiting my website is, start slowly, chop up and bruize the vegetable/fruit scraps. Please note that Earthworms are not catapilars who chomp on leaves, Earthworms process the liquid released from the scraps that are decomposing. Your Earthworm system is not a rubbish bin, it is a small eco-system and needs to be managed carefully by keeping it in balance. Please also see my feeding instructions.

There are various thoughts as to mixing your earthworm system, mine is as follows, gently mix the contents of your system at least once a week, if you don’t mix the compost it becomes compacted and the worms struggle to move through it. So, please mix the contents of your system.

Please visit my question and answer page should you need any further advice, or email me on and l will advise accordingly.

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